
Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Philippine Election 2013

As I walk up this morning, I was awake by those noisy people outside, I wonder why?
Is about 2 am in the morning.
Oh! its election day, I almost forgot I wonder why what they're talking.
About politics and those late registration they talk too.
They also talk about those candidates, whether  who they want to and must better.
Maybe they were so excited or something will happen.
They also taught that the voting will start at 7 am in the morning.

Philippines were having a election day today, May 13,2013,Monday. They used to call it also as the Philippines Election 2013. As I walk and take a jog a few minutes I saw lots of people reading and finding some of their names were rooms of a school they can take vote, and some of the teachers arrive 2 am and others 4 am, I ask my friend why that she's so early, she said that there are lot works to be done.


And this was the process of the election voters!
First, is you need to find your  names in every room so that you can settled and you can vote!
Please vote wisely,choose those candidates that fully acquired and still honest on its different  position.
After voting you need to put the voting paper into the PRECINCT COUNT OPTICAL SCAN or (PCOS).  A MACHINE  used to secure and count those votes in a secure way,  its  a people choice for voting.
And after, that you need to put some ink in your fore- finger as a sign that you participated and to avoid double voting.

Well, choose carefully those candidates that truly  sincere in there platforms and really intend to serve others and our country. And for those vote buying, I hope you don't regret it.
Lets choose to vote in a good way and wisely to make PHILIPPINES a better place.

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